Installations, Sculptures, Paintings

“Men – Any Feelings?”, Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland, 22 February – 20 April


The exhibition Men – Any Feelings? shows works by eleven artists – ten of whom are male, leaving Anne Koskinen the only female artist in the show. The curators PhD Juha-Heikki Tihinen and Tuomo Rosenlund say they want to follow the matriarchal order as described in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. In the context of this exhibition, the concept is formulated as “Anne and the Boys” and is one of the leading ideas of the group show.

“Anne Koskinen’s (born 1969) Last Meal series (2008) immortalizes the dramatic ending of the last meal with the aid of mice caught in traps. Koskinen paints and sculpts works of art whose themes explore both likeness and the symbolic dimensions of the world. Melancholy and humour accompany each other in these works.” Tampere Art Museum, 2014
Further information in English here. Lisätietoa suomeksi.
Literature: Miehet – onko tunteita?. Juha-Heikki Tihinen, Hannele Salminen & Terhi Siltala (eds.). Helsinki: Arktinen Banaani. 2014. Read more here (in Finnish).

Works on show (downstairs):

  • Elmo (Foundling), Findling series, backyard stone, 35 × 20 × 22 cm, 2013
  • Lotta (Foundling), Findling series, backyard stone, 58 × 33 × 32 cm, 2013
  • A Matter of Vision, marble, 4 parts, each 60 × 50 × 2 cm, 2010
  • Wooden Pointer from a School for Girls, ready made, 2 × 73 × 2 cm, 2001/2014
  • Felicia (Backyard Girl), recycled natural stone from the artist’s farm, 75 × 55 × 60 cm, 2013
  • The Other Bride (Gunnar Berndtson, The Bride’s Song, 1881), oil on post card, 10,5 × 13 cm, framed 22,5×25 cm, 2010
  • The Other Mother (Albert Edelfelt, In the Nursery, 1885), oil on postcard, 10,5 × 14,8 cm, framed 22,5 × 27 cm, 2010

Works on show (upstairs):

  • Patricia (Foundling), Findling series, backyard stone, 47 × 26 × 36 cm, 2013
  • Last Meal (Karuna 4.12.-15.12.2008 ), bronze and mouse traps, 13 parts, various sizes, total width of installation appr. 475 cm – 735 cm, 2008-2009
  • Emil from Lillören, marble, 23 × 25 × 14 cm, 2012

Thanks to: National Council for Visual Arts, Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse

Collections: Vexi Salmi Collection, Hämeenlinna Art Museum, Finland, private collection in Finland