I cannot come

First shown in: Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland, 12 – 30 June 1996

The exhibition “Anne Koskinen auf dem Holzweg/I cannot come” in the gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts is an attempt to encounter that which is absent. Anne Koskinen explores the material at hand both tangibly and visually, by carving wood by hand, by painting, copying. The works are the result of a contemplative effort, an attempt to approach that which is absent by a variety of methods.

During the exhibition, Koskinen also works in the gallery. She paints and carves wood. She copies her father’s handwriting to learn it by heart. The world that Koskinen seeks to enter is that of the absent. The absent can also be read in the words of the invitation “I cannot come”.

Thanks to: National Bureau of Investigation, Crime Museum, Helsinki Police Department

Images (1-11) are from the retrospective in Helsinki City Art Museum Tennis Palace, Helsinki, Finland, 28 November 2008 – 25 January 2009. See installation view here.