

“Solo”, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 7 – 31 August 2014

The German word Findling means both a foundling child and a boulder transported glacially during the last Ice Age. The main narrative theme of these sculptures of natural stone depicting children is the experience of being abandoned. […]

The Nuclear Physicist’s Apple

The Finnish State Art Commission, VTT Centre for Nuclear Safety, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland

What would a nuclear physicist do, if presented with an apple? Isaac Newton is said to have discovered gravity upon seeing an apple falling from a tree. A sculptural installation stands outside the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland’s Centre for Nuclear Safety. It features apples, hewn from stone, that seem to have appeared from nowhere.

Installations, Sculptures, Paintings

“Men – Any Feelings?”, Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland, 22 February – 20 April 2014

Anne Koskinen’s (born 1969) Last Meal series (2008) immortalizes the dramatic ending of the last meal with the aid of mice caught in traps. Koskinen paints and sculpts works of art whose themes explore both likeness and the symbolic dimensions of the world. Melancholy and humour accompany each other in these works. Tampere Art Museum, 2014

Foundlings I

First shown in: “Anne Koskinen”, Galleria Orton, Helsinki, Finland, 8 January – 2 February 2013

In her most recent works Anne Koskinen has turned her attention to stones found from her own backyard. The artist is fascinated by the opportunities of this material for creating images. […] Anne Koskinen makes her works completely by herself from start to finish, for she wants to bear witness, with her own hands, to the ways in which an image begins to appear in natural material..

Andrei from Kummelskär

“No Time for Lover”, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 6 –30 September 2012

Andrei from Kummelskär is one of the marble sculptures in the exhibition No Time for Lover.


First shown in: Ars Fennica 2010, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland, 8 October – 12 December 2010

Reflections (2009-) is a series of oil paintings combined with photography.

Am anderen Ende der Leine

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 3 – 27 Nov 2022

Drawing on the history of painting and the German tradition of image studies, the works in Am anderen Ende der Leine (At the Other End of the Leash) brings the focus to bear on everyday life and the complex relationships between humans and animals.

Hän (She/He/They)

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 28 November – 20 December 2019

Anne Koskinen has now made a series of torsos whose main message is the acceptance of diversity and difference — like in public swimming baths, where people of all shapes, children and the elderly, men, women and others can swim about in the same water, accepted by themselves and others. The works in the Underground space in the basement take as their starting point the fact that the gallery is in the building where Touko Laaksonen, Tom of Finland, lived.

In Need of a Guardian

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 7 September – 1 October 2017

Anne Koskinen (born 1969) is an artist whose works are conceptual and analytical, involving complex and structured ideas. They are always realised in extremely fine ways, often appealing not only to the sense of sight but also to touch. And of course, to thought. In her work, Koskinen is particularly interested in the possibilities associated with the process of an image coming into being. How little is enough in a drawing or piece of sculpture for the viewer to perceive the brim of a soft hat, the line of the neck of the shape of the body? The exhibition In Need of a Guardian features drawings in gold, silver and bronze pencil of girls on the threshold of adulthood. On display alongside the drawings are sculptures in stone that are related to them. On show in the basement will be the Guardians, child figures sculpted in candlelight that can also be viewed in candlelight or ambient light. ‘In a sense, I sculpted light,’ says Koskinen.

Am anderen Ende der Leine

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 3 – 27 Nov 2022

Drawing on the history of painting and the German tradition of image studies, the works in Am anderen Ende der Leine (At the Other End of the Leash) brings the focus to bear on everyday life and the complex relationships between humans and animals.

Hän (She/He/They)

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 28 November – 20 December 2019

Anne Koskinen has now made a series of torsos whose main message is the acceptance of diversity and difference — like in public swimming baths, where people of all shapes, children and the elderly, men, women and others can swim about in the same water, accepted by themselves and others. The works in the Underground space in the basement take as their starting point the fact that the gallery is in the building where Touko Laaksonen, Tom of Finland, lived.

In Need of a Guardian

Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland, 7 September – 1 October 2017

Anne Koskinen (born 1969) is an artist whose works are conceptual and analytical, involving complex and structured ideas. They are always realised in extremely fine ways, often appealing not only to the sense of sight but also to touch. And of course, to thought. In her work, Koskinen is particularly interested in the possibilities associated with the process of an image coming into being. How little is enough in a drawing or piece of sculpture for the viewer to perceive the brim of a soft hat, the line of the neck of the shape of the body? The exhibition In Need of a Guardian features drawings in gold, silver and bronze pencil of girls on the threshold of adulthood. On display alongside the drawings are sculptures in stone that are related to them. On show in the basement will be the Guardians, child figures sculpted in candlelight that can also be viewed in candlelight or ambient light. ‘In a sense, I sculpted light,’ says Koskinen.